FAQs - FAQs by Type
Default FAQ
- A fire truck came up behind me while driving and just laid on the air horn. Why are they so rude?
- As a homeowner can I do my own work?
- Can I burn leaves or brush in my yard?
- Can I call the Fire Department to dispose of household hazardous materials?
- Can I drain my pool or spa into the storm sewer?
- Can I flush cleaning wipes down the toilet, it says they are flushable on the container?
- Can I get my blood pressure taken at the firehouse?
- Can I pay my utility bill online?
- Can I setup my utility bill to be paid automatically every month?
- Can I sign up for a program the day the program starts?
- Can I transfer my water service to a new address in Schererville?
- Can persons with disabilities participate in the programs offered?
- Do fire stations host birthday parties?
- Do I get any discount on my water bill for filling my pool or watering my grass?
- Do I have to shovel the sidewalk in front of my house?
- Do I need a permit for my home project?
- Do I need to license my pet with the Town?
- Do I need to license my pets with the Town?
- Do we have volunteer firefighters?
- Do you have bingo or fish frys at the fire station?
- Does the Fire Department offer CPR and/or First-Aid Classes to the public?
- Does the fire department service fire extinguishers?
- How can I ask a question of the fire department?
- How can I contact my Council member?
- How can I contact my State Senator or Representative?
- How can I get a copy of a fire incident or medical incident report?
- How can I get a smoke detector from the Fire Department? Will you change the batteries?
- How do I arrange a tour of a fire station?
- How do I become a member for the Dog Park?
- How do I get put on a waiting list?
- How do I know if a program or event is cancelled?
- How do I obtain a Contractors Registration?
- How do I pay for a ticket?
- How do I reserve a park shelter?
- How do I reserve a room at the Schererville Community Center?
- How do I select a fire extinguisher?
- How do I sign up for a park program?
- How hard is my water and what is my water pressure?
- How is the quality of the treated wastewater ensured?
- How many Council members are there and how long is the term of office?
- How reliable is the treatment facility?
- How should I dispose of other wastes like motor oil, paint, and household chemicals?
- How should I dispose of unwanted or expired prescription drugs?
- How should I dispose of used cooking grease?
- I saw a Schererville fire truck at a local grocery store and some of the firefighters were inside shopping for food or I saw the trucks sitting outside a local restaurant. Why do firefighters use fire trucks for non-emergency purposes while they are on duty?
- If myself or my child is unable to attend a program do I get a refund?
- Is a licensed contractor required and why?
- May I speak at a Town Council meeting?
- What amenities are offered at the parks?
- What are Halloween Hours?
- What are the office hours?
- What are the requirements for obtaining a permit for new home construction?
- What are the requirements for obtaining a permit to build a shed, fence, deck or other similar structure?
- What are the requirements for obtaining a pool permit?
- What are the white particles sometimes found in my faucet aerators?
- What are your office hours and where do I call if I have a question?
- What can I do with old batteries?
- What can I do with used paint cans/paint?
- What day is garbage and recycling pick-up? Can I put out a couch for pickup?
- What day is my water bill due?
- What do my monthly sewer service charges pay for?
- What does a wastewater treatment facility do?
- What does the Town Council do?
- What does the Town Manager do?
- What happens if I dont pay my ticket?
- What happens when 911 is called?
- What Holidays does the Town observe?
- What is Carbon Monoxide and how does it harm you?
- What is required to obtain a Business License?
- What is the Branch and Leaf Collection schedule?
- What items require a building permit?
- What method of payment can be used to pay my water bill or any other fee or service necessary to be paid at the Clerk-Treasurers Office?
- What Should I bring with me to Court?
- What situations do not warrant an emergency 911 call?
- When are Town Council Meetings held and may I attend?
- When do I call 911?
- When does the town test the severe weather alarm?
- When does the town test the severe weather alarm?
- When is court?
- Where and how do I pay my water bill?
- Where can I dispose of my RV sanitary waste?
- Where can I go to have my child safety seat inspected or installed?
- Where can I obtain a list of registered contractors?
- Where can I purchase a fire extinguisher?
- Where do I dispose of household hazardous waste materials?
- Where do I pay a traffic ticket?
- Where does the water go once it is treated?
- Where should I place my smoke detectors?
- Who do I call for property line disputes?
- Who do I call for property questions?
- Who do I call if I have an odor complaint about the wastewater treatment facility?
- Who do I contact about garbage pick-up?
- Who do I contact about my water and sewer bill?
- Who do I contact about water meters?
- Who handles snow removal/leaf pickup?
- Who regulates the wastewater treatment facility?
- Who runs the wastewater treatment facility?
- Why am I not supposed to run over a fire hose?
- Why do I have to be home to get my water turned on?
- Why do I see fire trucks from neighboring communities in Schererville on calls?
- Why do you block traffic lanes at car accidents, sometimes more lanes than necessary?
- Why do you send so many fire vehicles to a fire, especially a small fire?
- Why do your fire trucks use lights and sirens, even in the middle of the night when there is no traffic?
- Why does a fire engine and ambulance come to do a fire inspection?
- Why does a fire engine come when I only requested an ambulance?
- Why does my tap water look cloudy?
- Why does my water smell and taste musty?
- Why is there a charge to be taken to the hospital? Dont my taxes cover that?
- Why should I call 911?
- Will the fire department come to my home and fill my swimming pool?